Sunday, May 24, 2020

Early Correctional History The Rise Of The Modern...

Early correctional history is normally put in a large category from 2000 B.C. to 1800 A.D. (Allen, 2010). This period obviously covers a lot of ground both in time and technological advances along with cultural standards. This period ranges from ancient Babylonia and Samaria, Rome, Medieval Europe, Renaissance Europe, to the rise of the modern penitentiary system in America. Throughout this time, there were many different practices and philosophies, but one or two underlying factors might be noted about the progression of early corrections. First of all, there was a change from vigilante justice (lex salica) to governmental regulation (lex talionis). Lex salica is where a victim of wrongdoing (or their family) carry out revenge or retaliation under the assumption that an offender has to pay for their crime. For example, crime was viewed as a private matter in Ancient Greece and Rome. Even offenses such as murder, justice relied on the victim s family with the threat of private war or vendetta the means of protection against further slights. This idea that there must be some final justice is the earliest form of justice, and it characterized ancient times, at least up until the development of lex talionis after the fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD). Lex talionis means an eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth but it technically refers to the switchover in time when governments (not families or private individuals) got into the vengeance business. Obviously, a governmentShow MoreRelatedHistory Outline: American Correctional Facilities1228 Words   |  5 PagesOutline the History American Correctional Facilities Name Institutional Affiliation Date: Outline the History American Correctional Facilities 1. Outline the history of American corrections concentrating on a. The evolution of the penitentiary The American state prison was developed in the 19th century. 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